Hungama Music

Hungama Music

Stream & Download MP3 Songs
15.54 MB
Requires Android:
4.1 ou superior
26 de set de 2020

Hungama Music gives you your favourite artists, songs, & music videos all in one place. Listen to music online or download songs in all languages– wherever you are, whenever you wish– only on Hungama Music. Old classics? Hindi songs? International jams? Access songs & music videos from Indian & International artists in genres that you love & languages that you prefer.

Permissions required by Hungama Music v. 4.8.3

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access the Account Service list
  • Get a network access to the approximate location
  • Get an access to the current location from the network-based resources
  • Access phone state without changing it
Permissions rarely used in Música e áudio:
  • Access the current list of running apps
Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage
  • Access data stored on external storage
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


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